
Honestly, I did not want to address this issue at all, but all Telegram channels are scammers!

The channel cf_mining is a scammer that creates fake Instagram pages and Telegram channels to commit fraud. If you pay attention, all the feedback chats it posts in its channels are fake and created by scammers, as can be seen in the images below.

(all customers have iphone and use trust wallet?! absolutely not! it’s fake)

Please, for once, trust reputable websites, not fake chats and Telegram channels!!

The only reputable source for buying software is the website, where you can see how to purchase and issue a license in the video below.

Also, the following addresses belong to the cf_mining channel, if you check their transactions, you will see that all transactions have scam alarms!

We at, which are the only main authority, use the world’s most reliable CoinBase platform for our transactions!

10 replies on “(SCAM ALARM) @Cf_Mining Channel in telegram is Scam!”

AvatarBreno Alves Mota Mesquitasays:

They are really scammers and sell your software (of course they have nothing to deliver and they are scammers)
I bought from you and it was successful
thank you!


You are right
They are scammers
I’m also paid 499$ for 3 Blockchains, but there is 0 returns.. I’m so ???? sad

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